Protergia, the Electricity and Natural Gas Division of Μetlen Energy & Metals, stands by companies that want to enhance their green profile.
Protergia, the Electricity and Natural Gas Division of Μetlen Energy & Metals, stands by companies that want to enhance their green profile by reducing their energy footprint (reducing the amount of CO2 emitted into their atmosphere by their daily business ventures). activities related to energy consumption), having Green Certificates.
The Green Certificate is the certification of Μetlen Energy & Metals to the customer that for the electricity consumed in its installation and represented by Protergia, the same amount of energy has been produced by specific power plants using Renewable Energy Sources and / or Power Supply Systems Performance (Guarantees of Origin).
Μetlen Energy & Metals, has created and maintains a portion in the Register of Origin Guarantees, which is maintained by the company "RES & Origin Guarantee Manager" (DAPEEP), and is able to present after the expression of interest of the company Certificates of Withdrawal of Guarantees provided in the provisions of Law 3468/2006 and Ministerial Decision No. Δ6 / Φ1 / οικ.8786 / 06.05.2010, Government Gazette 646 Β '/14.05.2010).
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In a country born of sun, air and water, we, in Protergia put all our knowledge and innovation and create an energy that is friendly, undepletable and much greener. The energy that drives our country forward and shows the only way forward for the future of the planet.