Protergia Helios Business

in your Business

Find out what to win from the sun!

Net Metering Hero

What is the Protergia Helios for Businesses?

Take advantage of the special benefits and competitive prices offered by Protergia to get your own photovoltaic system on turnkey basis! Protergia's specialized partners undertake all stages of the process to put the system in operation: energy analysis of the property, design, study and system installation, with continuous and timely technical support.


What is Net Metering?

Net Metering applies to domestic and business premises and concerns the offsetting of energy produced by a PV plant located on the property, with the energy consumed by the installation.

The production and consumption offsetting shall be carried out in each reconciliation bill. If production is higher than consumption, the surplus is provided to the electricity grid and the self-producer benefits from the difference in the next reconciliation bill.

If the energy generated is less than the energy consumed, this difference shall be the amount of the bill.


How is installation carried out and how does it work?

The photovoltaic system is usually installed on the building’s roof. The energy output is first passed through the on-premises installation and, if not consumed, is sent to the grid.

The Net Metering Agreement shall be signed between the supplier and the self-producer and shall be valid for 25 years with effect from the date when the connection of the PV system is activated. Furthermore, the self-producer is not bound by the change of supplier. In this case, the agreement shall be discontinued and a new one is signed between the self- producer and a new supplier for the remaining period of time.


What are the benefits of Net Metering?

  • Saving on your power bill
  • Reduction of the installation's environmental footprint
  • Conversion of the installation to "green"
  • Immediate amortization of the investment in relation to the PV system life cycle


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